Fertility test
When your fertility starts to concern you, it’s time for our fertility check‑up.
Fertility-related issues may be a concern even if the desire to become pregnant is not yet relevant. Discussing with a reproductive expert can then calm your mind. You can come to discuss fertility issues alone or with your partner even if you still use contraception. If you have already tried pregnancy for more than a year, we recommend that you book a first time visit to one of our infertility doctors instead of having a fertility test.
Human fertility is a sum of several factors. Studies have shown, that particularly women’s age plays a significant role in fertility – we know that fertility begins to decline as early as the age of 30 and that the chance of starting a pregnancy gets quickly smaller after woman turns 35. If you first start to attempt for a pregnancy at the age of 40, the risk of becoming infertile is already high. However, there is a big variation between individuals. Men’s age is also important, but its role is much more difficult to estimate. Healthy lifestyle also has a big impact in maintaining fertility. Weight problems (over or under weight), smoking, heavy drug use, or excessive physical activity are known to affect fertility in a negative way and decrease the chance of getting pregnant.
Many diseases and medications can affect fertility and make it hard to get pregnant. For instance polycystic ovaries, other menstrual disorders, endometriosis, many hormonal disorders, a history of eating disorder or childhood malignancy can lower the chance of becoming pregnant. There are several things that can affect semen quality of men. Testicular non-deposition, diseased testicular inflammation, testicular drops, or use of hormonal products can all decline semen’s cabability to fertilize eggs.