Miscarriage clinic
Even every fourth pregnancy may end in miscarriage. At Ovumia Tampere Clinic we have Finland’s first full-service miscarriage clinic that offers help recovering from a miscarriage, finding out the causes and planning a pregnancy.
It is estimated that there are miscarriages in about 15-25 percent of pregnancies. About 5 percent have two miscarriages and 1-3 percent have at least 3 miscarriages. Most miscarriages occur during the first trimester. We talk about recurrent miscarriages when a woman has had 2-3 miscarriages. The majority of miscarriages in early pregnancy are caused by abnormalities in the number of chromosomes. It is estimated that at least half of all miscarriages are caused by chromosomal abnormalities. In infertility treatments, the proportion is at least 60 percent.
Ovumia’s miscarriage clinic investigates the causes of miscarriages and offers help with mental stress and planning the next pregnancy. The aim is also to prevent miscarriages.
The miscarriage clinic has both a doctor’s appointment and a psychotherapist’s appointment. You can apply to a miscarriage clinic regardless of how many miscarriages you’ve had and how the pregnancies started. You are welcome to the clinic alone or with your partner.
Doctor’s appointment
During the doctor’s appointment at the miscarriage clinic (first visit 60-90 minutes), preliminary information is clarified, a basic examination and ultrasound examination are done, and recommendations are given for possible further examinations. Based on the findings and further studies, recommendations for the next pregnancy are given if necessary.
The miscarriage clinic has at its disposal the latest research information and methods in the field. Fetal causes can be determined by the so-called With POC examination (products of conception) and examination of potentially distinguishable fetal structures and their abnormalities with ultrasound.
When investigating the causes of miscarriages, possible morfological abnormalities of the uterus are investigated. Blood tests can also be used to investigate possible other causes, such as increased tendency to trombosis, metabolic diseases and, if necessary, the couple’s chromosomal abnormalities
Appointment of a psychotherapist
In addition to medical examinations and treatment, Ovumia’s miscarriage clinic also provides the psychological support you need after your miscarriage. Ovumia’s psychotherapists are specialized in the treatment of post-miscarriage psychological crisis. At reception visits, you get crisis help and ways to deal with the grief caused by the loss and all other emotions that the situation arouses. You are welcome to the reception either alone or with your spouse.
At the reception of our therapists, we can ensure that you survive the loss not only physically but also mentally. With the help of psychological support, we can prevent the development of psychological symptoms and treat symptoms already caused by the loss, such as anxiety, prolonged grief or traumatic stress reaction.
With professional support, you can continue trying to get pregnant after a loss. The psychotherapists at the Ovumia miscarriage clinic will walk by your side as long as you need support. Some of our clients meet the crisis therapist only once, while others continue to contact the therapist throughout the new pregnancy, right up until the baby period.
Make an appointment at the miscarriage clinic Ovumia in Tampere,
Tampere clinic
Appointments and inquiries from Monay to Friday 8.15–15.00 tel. +358 20 747 9310.